All images and text copyrighted and property of Greg Gagliano.


The Fender Pro, model 6G5-A, utilized the same same circuit as its stablemates, the Bandmaster and Concert. The main difference was its 8-ohm output transformer and single 15-inch speaker. Since the Pro, Bandmaster and Concert used different speaker configurations, they do sound different despite the nearly identical circuitry. JBL speakers were factory options. Astute Fender ampaholics will note the grill cloth on the amp shown is non-original.  The wheat grill wasn’t introduced until late 1962. The correct grill color for a 1961 Fender is oxblood (maroon). The original cloth had been replaced by the previous owner.


 Power Amp:
  Tube; 2 x 5881, 40 watts RMS @ 8 ohms

 Preamp:  Tube; 3 x 12AX7, 3 x 7025

 Rectifier:  Solid state

 Speaker:  1 x 15" JBL D-120F

 Channels:  2 (Normal, Vibrato); 2 inputs per channel

 Effects:  Tremolo

 Controls:  Normal - volume, bass, treble; Vibrato - volume, bass, treble, tremolo intensity, tremolo depth, presence; foot switch for tremolo

 Dimensions:  n/a

 Total Weight:  50 lb

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